Northside Back-to-School Community Event

What's Happening
On Saturday August 10, 2024, Guiding Light Mentoring in partnership with the McKie Recreation Center will host their 4th Annual Northside Back-to-School Community Event. For this year’s event, we are anticipating providing more than 600 families and students, elementary school aged, in our community with backpacks, school supplies, and community resources. The goal of the event is to bring the Northside community together while preparing youth for the upcoming school year despite any financial difficulties and challenges experienced by families.
The 4th Annual Northside Back-to-School Community Event will take place at McKie Recreation Center located at 1655 Chase Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223 on Saturday, August 10, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Resources for families include backpacks with school supplies, personal hygiene items, haircuts, literacy kits, and more! The event will also include free food, entertainment, & resources for the entire family. This event is free, open to the public, and is first come, first serve. Children must be present to receive supplies.
For more information contact us by email at or by phone at (513) 541-9777.